The Green Season at NASPA

Now that the snow is quickly melting, thoughts turn to the new green of spring and activities at NASPA over the coming months.

Please check the following pages for more information on what is available this year:

NASPA Asobi Garden

Green Season

NASPA Camp Garden

Golden Week events & ASOBI Garden activities

The snow season may be over at NASPA, but that means we can now look forward to comfortable spring weather and various activities and events throughout the ‘green season’.

Check out events for Golden Week and the popular ASOBI Garden here:

Golden Week (Saturday 29th April until 7th May 2023)

ASOBI Garden (Friday 28th April until 3rd November 2023)

NASPA Camp Garden & The Green Season

Spring has truly arrived in Yuzawa.

NASPA Ski Garden is now closed (with a planned re-opening on 24th December 2021) and we look forward to some a warm and comfortable - and beautiful - spring season.

The website has been updated with information on NASPA Camp Garden and activities for the Green Season. Check out the individual pages for more information:

>> NASPA Camp Garden

The Green Season

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