What is the check-in and check-out time?

The normal check-in time is 3:00pm and the normal check-out time is 10:00am. Some packages may include an extended stay or early check-in and/or late check-out times, and they may also be arranged. Please check the details page of your booking.

What should I do if I arrive earlier than the check-in time?

Guests can go through the proceedings of check-in on arriving at the hotel, even though you will only be able to enter your room from the check-in time. If any special tickets are included with your booking,at this time they will be handed to you. Guests can also use the Cloakroom to store any baggage. During the winter season a free resting space is available for hotel guests and that area can be used before and after checking in.

Is early check in or late check-out possible?

Depending on the date and the total number of guests in the hotel, early check-in or late check-out might be possible. There is a charge of 4,000 yen per room per hour for early check-in or late check-out. Please ask at the Front Desk.

Children rates

Babies less than one year old are not charged. Young children between 1 year and 3 years old are charged a service fee of 4,000 yen (including tax). That fee does not include any meals, bedding or any special package extras. Children ages 4 years old and over are charged at the infant rate.

Are all taxes and service charges included in prices and charges?

With the exception of a local tax of 150 yen per person per night that is necessary by law for guests of 13 years and over, all taxes and service charges are included in the charges displayed on the website.

Can a booking cancellation be made?

If the booking was made by phone, please call the hotel directly to make a cancellation. If the booking was made on the official site or online using another website, please cancel using the official relevant online cancellation methods. If a booking was made using a travel agency, please contact the travel agency.

In the case of a direct booking with the hotel cancellation 3-1 days before arrival date (Japan time) is charged at 20% of the total charge. A cancellation on the date of arrival (Japan time) or a no show is charged at 50% of the total charge.

If a booking was made using a travel agency, please contact the travel agency.

Can payment be made using a credit card?

The following credit cards are accepted: VISA, MASTERCARD, Diners, AMEX and Union Pay. Some plans booked via a travel agency may need to be paid for by cash. Please ask your travel agency or the hotel directly for more details.

Can I be put on a waiting list for a date?

We do not currently have a waiting list. Please call, e-mail or refer to our online availability calendar for the latest information.

Are there any areas of the hotel where I cannot use yukata (summer gown) and slippers?

Yukata and slippers provided in guest rooms can be worn anywhere in the hotel.

Do you have any yukata for children?

Yukata sizes 100cm, 120cm and 130cm are available.

My booking is for 3 people in a twin room, but the child will sleep with parents…

Please note that a child of 4 years old or older, bedding is included in the charge and will be prepared. The applicable room charges remain even if the bedding is not necessary.

Can my pet stay with me?

One pet is welcome to stay with you in our special ‘Pet Friendly Room’. Pets are not allowed in other rooms. Please ask us for more details.

Does NASPA have any baby pushchairs or wheelchairs?

NASPA has a limited number of baby pushchairs and wheelchairs available for guests. They can be used free of charge. Please ask at the Front Desk for details.